How it Works









(1) Search: Use Taobao/1688/PDD links or key words to search for the product you want to buy.

(2) Buy: Purchase the product using either your Mastercard or Visa.

(3) Store: All products will be sent to our local warehouse. Inspections and order consolidations are offered as optional additional services with additional fees. If you already use a freight forwarder, you can ship the items to your freight forwarder directly.

 (4) Ship: Pay the shipping fee in another invoice. Then the products will be shipped to its final destination. Estimated shipping estimates can be provided HERE.
Note: You may have to deal with local customs clearing when products arrive at the final destination.

FEES: All fees are based on the original product price, which include exchange rates, payment processing, and service fees. Additional services like packing and inspection can be requested with customer service. For more details about the fees, click HERE for more details.